Apex Online Tuition Registration Form Company ⚠️ NOTICE: This Form you are about to fill has an Updated Terms and Conditions, We Advice you to read Before Filling this Form CLICK HERE TO READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS STUDENT FIRST NAMES * STUDENT LAST NAME * STUDENT DATE OF BIRTH * GENDER * Male Female Non-binary Prefer not to say ADDRESSS * CITY * POST CODE * Parent/Guardian full name ( this is not mandatory for 18+) * Parents/Guardian contact number * Email address: * Contact number (mobile number) * What Subject would you like to study * English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology CHOOSE SESSION * 1:1session is charged at £35/hour 1:2 session is charged at £28/hour 1:6 session is charged at £20/hour 1:10 session is charged at £15/hour NOTE: • Minimum of 4-week payment will be taken in advance at the point of registration. How did you hear about this Apex online tuition? * Our Website Family or friend Email newsletter Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) Programme Name * GCSE SAT When do you like to start? ⚠️ NOTICE: We Advice you to read Before SUBMITTING this Form CLICK HERE TO READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Do you agree with terms and conditions? * Yes